Electronic Additions

    Missing octaves of pipes in short stops can be replaced with electronically generated notes voiced to be seamless extensions of the existing pipes.  F or A manuals and D or F pedals can be extended to full compass.  These applications need only very small resources, and a standard tone generator board could provide a significant number of such extensions in addition to some extra stops.

    Electronic stops are used by some major pipe organ builders to provide ranks at an affordable cost that would otherwise be prohibitive.  For example, 32ft heavy reeds and double open woods; the bottom octave of the 64ft reed in Washington National Cathedral is electronic and very effective.


    An inadequate Pedal organ can have complete upperwork and mutations added, as well as effective reeds, strings,  and open woods down to 32ft.

    In cases where pedal borrowings have inadequate tone or power, harmonic add-ition or complete replacements can be incorporated.

    A small addition of tone generation equipment can help to transform an organ by providing significant additions or enhance-ments to several departments.

    Electronic additions are ideal for situations where a too small organ has insufficient extra space for physical pipes, provided that speakers can be placed so as to make the extended organ sound as if in a single case.

We provide
Musicom systems
with all necessary features.

Consult us
or improving
your existing organ, or plans for
a new organ

    In order to incorporate electronic additions a suitable capture system will have to be installed in the console.

Bridgehead Organs | Organ Building | Organ Consultancy | Organ Export
Active Computer Generation
| Console Capture Systems | Pipe Driver Systems
Electronic Additions
| Mixed Pipe & Electronic | Electronic Organs | Bedale PChurch Organ
The English Organ in Russia
| 1st Cathedral Organ in Russia | Henry Jones in Russia
Organs Home Page
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