Bridgehead Organs

http://                Home Page

In these pages we bring you news and information about beautiful organs of all sizes, work that we have done, projects we have initiated, handled, and advised on.

Bridgehead Organs
Building, Consultancy, Export

      We have arranged the supply of two small pipe organs to Russia, been actively involved in the introduction of the English cathedral organ to Russia almost totally designing it and its voicing and regulation.
    We have revoiced and re-regulated a cathedral sized
analogue electronic organ, turning it from unsatisfactory into a synthesis of all the best of the older and newer English traditions that handles every school ofmusic in commanding style.

Electronic console and pipe control systems can be installed, and electronic stops added to extend pipe organs, using the best units and systems available.  Pipe sound is generated so realistically that pipe organ builders are delighted with it, and cannot tell the difference.

Bridgehead Organs | Organ Building | Organ Consultancy | Organ Export
Active Computer Generation
| Console Capture Systems | Pipe Driver Systems
Electronic Additions
| Mixed Pipe & Electronic | Electronic Organs | Bedale PChurch Organ
The English Organ in Russia
| 1st Cathedral Organ in Russia | Henry Jones in Russia
Organs Home Page
| Organs in Russia Home Page

Special items in these sites  have their own associated e-mail addresses, but if you have any comment or query on the site itself please send your e-mail to:

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